We’ve never been so close to our shared goal of eliminating hepatitis C (hep C), and we will achieve this through the power of continued collaboration. Browse through the content below to find out more about the changes that can, and are being made, however small, that make a huge difference.

Elimination of hepatitis C

Hep C elimination could have a tremendous impact on global health, averting deaths from hep C-related complications each year. To help inspire global action, the World Health Organisation (WHO) set an ambitious goal of eliminating viral hepatitis by 2030.1

At Gilead, we are working toward this target by actively supporting the efforts of governments, patient organisations, payers and health care providers to increase awareness, drive screening and facilitating linkage to care.

The Hep C Elimination series are part of Gilead’s efforts to address the challenges faced by healthcare stakeholders in achieving this elimination goal.

Hep C Elimination series

Carrying into 2024 the Hep C Elimination series will continue to bring together multi-disciplinary hep C stakeholders, to share learnings and discuss hep C programmes and initiatives that are working towards the elimination of hep C.

You can watch the latest webinars on-demand below.

These webinars and their on-demand video recordings were produced and funded by Gilead Sciences Ltd.

HepC Elimination - the time to act is now

2023 Hep C Elimination series

    Hepatitis C Micro-Elimination in drug and alcohol services – a practical framework
    (44 minutes, 3 seconds)

    Emma and Helen discuss what hepatitis C micro-elimination looks like within the drug and alcohol service setting, and provide examples and tips of initiatives that can help services reach their elimination goal.

    Emma Lamond, National Improvement Manager, We Are With You
    Helen Hampton, Lead Clinical Nurse for Blood Born Virus (BBV), The Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
    Irfan Chhipa, Gilead Sciences Ltd

    Drug and Alcohol Service Standards for Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and other Blood Borne Viruses (BBV)
    (33 minutes, 44 seconds)

    Laura and Hayley explain what the eight service standards are for drug and alcohol services when identifying and testing for hepatitis C or other BBVs. Then explore what the practicalities are on the front line to meeting and maintain these standards.

    Laura Hughes, Hepatitis C Elimination Coordinator, Hep C U Later
    Hayley Curran, Hep C Co-ordinator, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
    Matt Milner, Gilead Sciences Ltd

    Assessment for HCV Treatment: DTS led Models and other Blood Borne Viruses (BBV)
    (39 minutes, 53 seconds)

    Learn about the shift in policy by NHSE to simplify approaches taken to engage those who are reluctant to consider HCV treatment, and why collaborations between ODNs and DTSs are contributing to support this new policy.

    Mark Gillyon-Powell, Head of Programme HCV Elimination, NHSE
    Tracy Kemp, National Hepatitis C Strategy Lead, Change Grow Live
    Christine Taylor, Gilead Sciences Ltd

    Testing Events: Targeted strategies to support Micro-Elimination
    (41 minutes, 44 seconds)

    Hepatitis C Trust representatives share how they are collaborating with DTS to increase testing, and how these tactics supported Havering in becoming the first service to achieve hep c elimination in 2023.

    Alan Howard, Peer-to-Peer Coordinator, Hepatitis C Trust Hampshire
    Sean Caddy, Wessex Clinical Van Coordinator, Inclusion Recovery – Hampshire and Dorset
    Isaac Onita, Blood Borne Virus (BBV) Lead, Aspire – Havering
    Simon Pooley, Peer Project Manager, Hepatitis C Trust – North East London
    Wendy Tivey, Gilead Sciences Ltd

    Needs Assessment Programme
    (33 minutes, 19 seconds)

    Beatrice and Robert discuss how a pilot project at the Barts ODN helped develop and refine the Needs Assessment Programme, and why this programme is vital in reaching the NHSE elimination goal.

    Click here to learn more about the Needs Assessment Project and how this is managed in Addiction Service and Needle exchanges/ community pharmacy.

    Beatrice Emmanouil, Analytics Lead, HCV Elimination NHS England
    Robert Hammond, ODN Manager, Barts ODN
    Christine Taylor, Gilead Sciences Ltd

Hep C Elimination: the time to act is now
on-demand videos from 2022 event

    Drug Treatment Services providers (DTS) introduction
    1 minute, 47 seconds

    Representatives of the Hep C Elimination steering committee provide an introduction to the event and the aims from the day.

    Debbie Moores, Hepatitis C National Coordinator, Humankind
    Jackie Webley, Regional Hepatitis C Coordinator, Change Grow Live
    Tracey Kemp, National Hepatitis C Strategy Lead, Change Grow Live
    Louise Hansford, South Coordinator, Hep C U Later Programme

    At the heart of everything we do: A patient’s story
    7 minutes, 32 seconds

    Louise, cured from hep C, talks about her journey from diagnosis to treatment and being part of initiatives that achieved micro elimination.

    Louise Hansford, NHS Addiction Provider Alliance (APA) / MPFT

    Stronger together
    7 minutes, 37 seconds

    Learn about what Gilead Science are doing to support our commitment to the Hep C Elimination initiative. This video provides an overview of Gilead Sciences strategy, partnerships and activities, and what needs to happen next, to increase the number of hep C patients moving onto treatment.

    Peter Smethurst, Business Unit Director, Liver & Emerging Viruses, Gilead Sciences Ltd

    Drug treatment services panel discussion – Ask the expert
    20 minutes, 29 seconds

    A multi-disciplinary panel explore and discuss topics around the hep C treatment services, including engagement of local politicians, sharing of data between services, the impact of COVID-19 on service users and optimisation of access to services in the future.
    Facilitated by Rachel Halford, CEO, The Hepatitis C Trust

    Expert Panel:
    Dean Linzey, BBV Consultant
    Professor John Dillon, Professor of Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Ninewells Hospital, University of Dundee
    Mark Gillyon-Powell, Head of Programme for Hep C Elimination in England, NHSE
    Denise Burridge, Director of Nursing, Change Grow Live (CGL)
    Louise Hansford, Hep C Coordinator South, NHS APA (Inclusion) / MPFT
    Stuart Smith, Director of Community Services, The Hepatitis C Trusts


    Drug treatment services Hep C pathway workshop feedback
    14 minutes, 50 seconds

    Attendees at the Hep C Elimination workshop event present the outcomes of their collaborative discussions around real-life barriers and opportunities along the service user and provider pathway in the management of hep C.

    Dr Prun Bujral, Medical Director, Change Grow Live (Hep C Elimination meeting co-chair)
    Timothy Lilley, Patient Access to Care team, Gilead Sciences Ltd
    Dean Linzey, BBV Consultant
    Danny Morris, Midlands & West Regional Manager – Community Services, The Hepatitis C Trust
    Dr Rebecca John, National Hepatitis C Lean, Turning Point
    Debbie Moores, National Hepatitis C Coordinator, Humankind


Hep C micro elimination case studies

    Change Grow Live (CGL) Reading
    3 minutes, 43 seconds

    An inspirational video from a Drug Treatment Services site, which achieved micro elimination of hep C; Safina Shahin, a Senior Healthcare Assistant, talks about how this was accomplished, and shares some of her best practice tips.

    Change Grow Live (CGL) West Kent
    4 minutes, 35 seconds

    An inspirational video from a Drug Treatment Services site, which achieved micro elimination of hep C. Three members of the team responsible for this achievement; Jo Brown (Cluster Lead Nurse), Tracy Tinley (Substance Misuse RGN) and Linda Foreman (Viral Hepatitis CNS) talk about how they accomplished this.

be free of hep c

Be Free Of Hep C

The Hep C Elimination series is part of Gilead’s broader Be Free Of Hep C initiative – a disease awareness campaign, created in collaboration with The Hepatitis C Trust, which highlights the risk factors associated with the hep C virus. You can find out more about this campaign and access resources on our Be Free of Hep C website.

On this site, you can also find information about our Hep C, Ki? campaign, which is tailored to reach British South Asian communities.